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Gout – Prevention

September 28, 2021


So there’s no specific set of conditions to maintain that guarantee gout prevention. But of course there are some steps that will help you cut down on flares. These include some simple lifestyle factors, limiting amount of alcohol, limiting purines, meat, and limiting high fructose corn syrup, weight loss always helps. And again, these are just small things you can do, but really you do need to continue with your gout medications to avoid flares. Also, you might notice that certain medications makes your gout flares worse, especially the water pills. Some hypertension medicines can do it, the low dose aspirin. So really talk to your doctor if you’re on these medications and you have continuous flares because there are other medications that actually help with gout and hypertension. So there are some good alternatives that you can do so you can also help not have gout flares and also manage your other conditions.

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