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Cardiogenic Shock: Follow-Up

March 8, 2022


Well, as I already mentioned, the cardiogenic shock patient is usually an ischemic heart disease patient. So the follow up and follow through would be very similar to what we already talked about for ischemic heart disease. But patients with cardiogenic shock don’t always recover with simple procedures. They often need other measures such as a pump. If they have a ventricular assist device, they would need monitoring for that device a lot of times, because of the mechanical device being in the body, the patient’s blood is thin, so they’ll have to monitor their INR levels, which is the degree of the thinness of the blood, which is done through lab measures. They’ll have to follow up with the implanting surgeon and the team to try to make sure that the pump is functioning properly. They would need to follow up routinely with their primary doctor and their cardiologist to make sure their other risk factors are addressed. Now, if the patient is on a ventricular assist device, sometimes they could be listed for transplantation. And the doctor and the patient would then decide whether that’s an appropriate route to be referred to the transplant clinic, to be listed for transplant.

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