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Arthroplasty: Discharge Full Recovery

March 11, 2022


Typically following both hip and knee replacement, many patients will feel mostly recovered by the three to four month mark postoperatively. However, we have multiple studies demonstrating that patients continue to benefit from their joint replacement even after one year, particularly with knees. Knees will continue to improve after three to four months. In the sense of decreased warmth around the joint, improved mobility and decreased pain as well as increased activity tolerance. Once completely healed, the patient has virtually no restrictions following their joint replacement surgery. Many patients choose to return to activities such as skydiving, jumping, and even running. Although there are no true restrictions following a joint replacement, many patients following knee replacement do not choose to return to the sport of running as it doesn’t feel as natural as it once was. Our partial knee candidates, however, do you often return to the sport as their knee feels and functions much more like a native knee rather than the total knee replacement.

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