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Arthroplasty: Hip Replacement Posterior Approach

March 11, 2022


The posterior approach to hip replacement surgery makes an incision more in the buttocks or they cut through the gluteus maximus muscle to expose the hip itself. Once down to the hip, the external rotator muscles are detached from the femur to expose the proximal aspect of the femur and allow the hip replacement to be performed. The cartilage is denuded in the existence of arthritis and therefore it is carved away with reamers sequentially in the hip socket. Then a titanium acetabular component is placed followed by a polyethylene plastic component inside the shell. The femur is then addressed and broached sequentially to secure a nice fit for the femoral prosthesis, which will grow into the bone over time. Typically, a ceramic or cobalt chromium metal head is then placed on the trunnion of the Femur and the hip is reduced. The external rotator muscles are typically reattached, but take some time to heal and the fascia is then closed. Following posterior approach Hip Replacement Surgery posterior precautions are necessary to decrease the rate of dislocation following surgery. These include not allowing to cross your legs or internally rotate the leg.

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