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Arthroplasty: Optimize Outcome

March 13, 2022


Once your orthopedic surgeon has decided you’re a candidate for joint replacement surgery, there are a few things that you can do to optimize your outcome. First of all, many of my patients will undergo formal preoperative physical therapy, or we commonly refer to it as Prehab. This improves your conditioning prior to surgery, leaving you stronger going in makes you a stronger person recovering from surgery. I strongly believe in this philosophy and it really improves the patient’s outcome from a rehabilitation perspective. Another way to optimize your surgery and outcomes is to control your medical conditions. Typically, we rely on the preoperative medical doctor to obtain clearance for our surgical patients. This includes managing blood sugars as well as cardiac conditions. A lot of times we rely on the medical doctor to improve the A1C value to value less than 7.0.

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