Archives: Platform Articles

Dementia and Hospice Care: Making the Right Decision

Low Testosterone: Signs and Treatment

Time For a Heart to Heart?

Wrist Fractures: The Risks of Scaphoid Fractures

COPD/Emphysema: What are They and What’s the Difference?

The Impact of The Coronavirus Pandemic on Pelvic Floor Symptoms and Treatment

I Have a Blocked Artery. Should I Have a Stent or Surgery?

Trigger Finger

Founding Medical Partner Interview

Mediterranean Diet, Alkaline Water May Be As Effective As PPIs For LPR

Swallowing Disorders: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

What Causes Hoarseness in Singers?

Chronic Cough: Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment

Vocal Fold Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)

The Hoarse Voice

Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP): Overview, Diagnosis and Treatment

Craig Zalvan – BBQ and Acid Reflux Interview

Swallowing Disorders: Dysphonia

Swallowing Disorders: Dysphagia

Chronic Cough: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Ask-A-Doctor: Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever? 

Acute Voice Injury Treatment

What to Know about Neurological Complications from COVID-19

What To Do If You Have a Positive COVID-19 Test

Botox and Fillers

Laryngologpharyngeal Reflux (Silent Reflux)

Interprofessional Multi-Tiered Lean Daily Rounding Management Model in a High Acuity Hospital

The Effects Of Social Distancing and Isolation On Mental Health

Imaging Modalities in Cardiology

Do You Suffer From Nasal Blockage? There’s Finally A Fix – LATERA

Do You Suffer With Chronic Sinusitis? Relief Is Here

Why does everyone seem to have reflux and why do so many still take PPIs?

Covid-19 Era Post Viral Vagal Neuropathy Presenting as Persistent Shortness of Breath with Normal Pulmonary Imaging

Simple At-Home Test to Evaluate Urinary Frequency

Advanced Treatments for Complex and Common Fractures

Why Is My Eye Twitching?

Founding Medical Partner: Nassir Azimi, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FASNC

Why You Should Be Wearing Sunscreen All Year Long

7 Ways For Physicians to Make an Extra $1000 a Month

How to Properly Protect Your Skin in Fall and Winter

UJA-Federation of New York Honors Robert Glazer as Game Changer

ENT And Allergy Expands

Chief Medical Media Officer: Ashely Alker, MD

Mental Health & Mindfulness Apps Reviewed By A Doctor, Psychologist, and User

Meditation Can Lower Your Risk For Heart Disease

Physical Activity and Your Heart Health

Heart Healthy Tips For The Holidays

Founding Medical Partner: Dr. Jacqueline Eubany

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