Archives: Platform Blogs


Food for thought (if you can chew, that is)

The medicalisation of laughter

Ladies: Do Your Kegels, but Please Do Them Properly!

Founding Medical Partner: Kelly Fan, MD

Is there such a thing as healthy fats?

What you should know about reducing the risk of fragility fractures

April Showers Bring May (and More) Allergies

PCOS and the Skin

Why I Became Passive Income M.D.

3 Ideas To Help You Feel Beautiful

Women and Heart Disease: The Real Story

Health App Reviews

Leadership Tips

Interview with Bob Glazer Part 2: Post-College & Professional Life

Interview with Bob Glazer Part 1: The Early Years

My Experiences as a Medical Consultant for TV and Movies

The Future of Healthcare Professionals in the Times of COVID-19

Chief Medical Officer: Pracha Eamranond, MD MPH

Founding Medical Partner Interview: Dr. Kyle Bickel

Congratulations to Dr. Valerie Hanft for her inclusion in the Top Doctors feature in Austin Monthly Magazine (September issue). Way to go, Dr. Hanft!!

Dyslexic And UN-Stoppable: How Dyslexia Helps Us Create The Life Of Our Dreams And How You Can Too!

Balance? More Like Free Fall!

Coronavirus and the Flu: What are the Differences?

COVID Management & Frontline Experience

What The “New Normal” Might Look Like In Youth Sports


The Robey Common Core

Childcare Chaos

We Have A Paradox

Two Arteries Diverged

Telemedicine & COVID-19

The Role of Prophylactic Anticoagulation in COVID-19 Patients

Smoking Cessation


The Doctor Who Does Nothing

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