Featured Articles

Is it Eczema or Psoriasis?

What are the differences and similarities between eczema and psoriasis? Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments.

Preparation is Key to Preventing Skin Cancer

How to Treat Teen Acne

Doctorpedia Dermatology Channel Doctor Experts

Doctor Profile

Bari Cunningham, MD


  • Doctorpedia, Founding Medical Partner
  • Dermatology Channel, Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Bari Cunningham is a nationally recognized dermatologist who is one of only a few hundred doctors in the nation who is double Board Certified in Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology.

Dermatology Videos

Acne - Overview

Acne - Diet

Birthmarks - When to see a Doctor

Diaper Rash - Overview

Diaper Rash - Prevention


Psoriasis - Manifestations

Psoriasis - Testing and Diagnosis

Psoriasis - Treatment


Warts - Types

Warts - Causes

Warts - Diagnosis

Warts - Signs and Symptoms

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