Meditation and Spirituality

The Spiritual Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is not only popular from a health perspective but also from a spiritual one. Learn about the spiritual benefits of intermittent fasting.

Meditation and Spirituality

Why Forgiveness Is Good For You

Researchers are studying the health benefits of forgiveness - how do faith, forgiveness, and health intersect?

Meditation and Spirituality

Coping: How Religion Relies on Scientifically Proven Techniques

Recently a study demonstrated how people of faith have long relied on a proven coping technique to deal with loss.

Meditation and Spirituality

Have Scientists Found The Spirituality Origin In The Brain?

Researchers have found that the beliefs of religious individuals (their “spiritual acceptance”) can be linked to a circuit in the brain.

Meditation and Spirituality

Pain Management and Faith

Faith and religion positively correlate to mental and physical health. So can faith be used as an effective method of pain management?

Meditation and Spirituality

Faith: The Missing Link To Combat Suicide?

Struggling with suicidal thoughts can be lonely. Could faith be the answer to making loneliness a bit more bearable and ultimately combating suicide?


Vaccine Hesitancy and Religious Institutions

Learn about the relationship between and history of vaccine hesitancy and religious institutions in this comprehensive article.

Meditation and Spirituality

A Link Between Noticing Patterns & Belief in God

Researchers found that the ability to detect visual patterns in your environment make it more likely to believe in a Higher Power.

Meditation and Spirituality

Living Faithfully: Is Faith an “Alternative Treatment” or Complementary to Medicine?

Medicine and faith are not mutually exclusive but some people consider faith to be alternative treatment and others think it's complementary to medicine.

Meditation and Spirituality

Keeping The Faith: Can Faith Affect Health Outcomes?

Many rely on faith to improve their health but science itself has shown a positive correlation between religious activity and improved health outcomes.

Meditation and Spirituality

Religion and Quality Of Life

There is some evidence that religious people can live longer and healthier lives, potentially because religion provides comfort, support, and peace.

Meditation and Spirituality

Religion as a Treatment for Depression

Based on research, religion may have a combative effect on mood and overall well-being and may be an effective solution for those suffering from depression.

Meditation and Spirituality

Talking to the Doctor About Faith

Talking to your doctor about faith can be difficult and uncomfortable but it can produce better outcomes and there are good ways to go about it.

Meditation and Spirituality

Pastoral Care in Hospitals

When hospitals offer pastoral care, it means that they have a chaplain or religious figure to provide religious guidance to patients who need it.

Meditation and Spirituality

The Differences Between Prayer and Meditation

Meditation and prayer are different in intent but both provide benefits like increased awareness, calming the mind, and letting go of negative thoughts.

Meditation and Spirituality

Does It Have To Be Religion vs. Science?

While religion and science have seemed to be opposing forces for centuries, many religions can embrace science - especially with regards to medicine.

Meditation and Spirituality

Spirituality and End-of-Life Care

Talking to a loved one who is approaching death can be a daunting task but it's important to provide comfort and access to guidance if possible

Meditation and Spirituality

The History of Religion and Healthcare

Religion and healthcare have had a rocky history but have been intertwined throughout time. Nowadays, it seems that they are more complementary.

Meditation and Spirituality

Can People Refuse Medical Care Because Of Religious Beliefs?

There are some religious fundamentalists who refuse medical care but do they have the right to refuse care from medical professionals?

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