Sexual Wellness
Does the HPV Shot Work?
Until 2009, there was nothing we could do to prevent HPV. Luckily though, we now have vaccines against HPV: Cervarix, Gardasil, and Gardasil 9.
Until 2009, there was nothing we could do to prevent HPV. Luckily though, we now have vaccines against HPV: Cervarix, Gardasil, and Gardasil 9.
Finding a natural way to improve libido is the preferred option for many people. Here are some natural tips to boost your sex drive.
Research is beginning to reveal the health benefits of orgasm for women including brain activity, better sleep, and stress relief.
There is one stress buster that has been linked to looking younger and feeling better. Turns out that sex alone or with a partner has enormous benefits.
Many woman have difficulty with arousal. But the journey to female arousal is not just important. It can actually be as enjoyable as the destination.
Sexual wellness products, including gels, toys, and lubricants, are widely used by both men and women across the United States to spice up their sex lives.
When either you or your partner is suffering from depression, it’s very likely that you will have to deal with sexual issues and dysfunction in addition.