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Can Fiber Help Prevent Breast Cancer?

Medically reviewed by Susan Kerrigan, MD and Marianne Madsen on February 10, 2023

Nutritionally, fiber is one of the most important nutrients when talking about the digestive system. It’s the nutrient responsible for keeping things flowing and regular, so to speak, and without it, or without enough of it, things are very likely to become problematic. But beyond regulating your digestive system, did you know that fiber can help with other issues? Indeed, it has been found that a diet high in fiber can help prevent breast cancer. 


Where can fiber be found?


Generally, a very well balanced diet will contain enough fiber in it for your body to function properly. More specifically, fiber is found in fruits and vegetables (often in the peels of both, so don’t throw those out!) beans, and dark leafy greens. In any case, all of these things are the cornerstones for a healthy diet and should be consumed in moderation, even without the concern of cancer. 


So what are the facts?


A study published in Pediatrics followed a group of 44,000 young women over the long term. Initially, the study started when the women were in high school and documented their eating habits during that time period. Every four years after that, the women completed additional questionnaires about their habits. The researchers found that on average, the women who consumed more than 28 grams of fiber per day had a 24 percent lower risk rate for developing breast cancer before menopause. The researchers also found that the women who ate only about 14 grams a day were at a much higher risk level. The women who had high fiber diets also had a lower overall risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime, not just premenopause.


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Breast Cancer - Risk Factors

Breast Cancer - Risk Factors

The World Cancer Research Fund also conducted a similar study. More specifically, they found that the risk for getting breast cancer was lowered by 5 percent for every 10 grams of fiber eaten. Makes you want to rethink your dislike of consuming beans, right? Specifically, they found that the women who had high fiber diets had a 7 percent less risk than those who consumed diets lower in fiber.


How does fiber prevent breast cancer?


One of the researchers, Dr. Maryam S. Farvid, explains that a high fiber diet, particularly during adolescence, has a big influence on the effects of cancer prevention. Along with helping weight control, which can reduce the risk for other cancers as well, it can also reduce the amount of estrogen in circulation. Why is this important? Well, according to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, estrogen is one of the main ingredients some breast cancer cells need in order to grow. By removing and reducing the amount of estrogen your body is exposed to, your chances for cancer are reduced. The earlier you start, as in during your high school years, the more positive effect this has because of your reduced exposure to estrogen. 


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Breast Cancer - Prevention

Breast Cancer - Prevention

Your general state of health has always been connected to what you eat. Starting with a healthy diet early on in life can play a greater role in cancer prevention than you think. Making sure your body gets enough fiber from youth can greatly reduce the risk of getting breast cancer over your lifetime. 

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