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What is a Brow Lift?

Medically reviewed by Susan Kerrigan, MD and Marianne Madsen on February 10, 2023

The brow area and forehead are often the first places to show signs of aging. A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure to reduce the visible signs of aging and is most often performed on people ages 40 to 60. The procedure raises the brows in order to remove the appearance of forehead wrinkles and ease frown lines and may also improve the appearance of the upper eye. There are several types of brow lift surgery. Common techniques include the classic forehead lift, the endoscopic forehead lift, and the temporal lift.


Types of brow lifts


There are a number of methods used to lift the forehead and eyebrow areas:


  • Classic lift or open coronal brow lift: The classic lift involves one continuous cut beginning at the level of the ears and going up around the hairline. Depending on where the patient’s hairline is, the surgeon will work to avoid a visible scar.
  • Endoscopic lift: Currently, the most popular surgical method for brow lifts is the endoscopic approach, but some surgeons are not trained in this procedure. It requires special equipment, and, in some cases, the final outcome is modest and/or not long-lasting. For the endoscopic lift, the surgeon makes a few shorter cuts in the scalp. They will insert a scope (a small camera on the end of a thin tube) into one of the cuts and use another device inserted in another cut to make the necessary adjustments, using small anchors to secure the tissue. Because the cuts are smaller, this procedure is less invasive than the classic lift and  results in minimal scarring and a shorter recovery time.


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Non-surgical methods


According to a recent study, none of the brow lift techniques are completely satisfactory because of their limited effectiveness, lack of longevity, and potential complications. There are several non-surgical methods that can be considered instead. These techniques, including BTA and filler, are temporary and are easier to correct in case of any complication.


  • BTA (Botulinum toxin A) Injection: BTA may be used for eyebrow lifting. The effect is temporary and lasts for three to six months. Some side effects that might occur include pain, asymmetries, bruising, headache, focal facial paralysis, dry eye syndrome, exaggeration of wrinkles, and muscle weakness.
  • Soft-tissue fillers: Fillers can enhance eyebrow contour and volume. They may be used for improving the elevation of the eyebrow tail in case BTA fails to provide desired eyebrow lifting. If overcorrected, the result will be an excessively prominent eyebrow appearance.


Preparing for a brow lift


Once the type of brow lift has been chosen, it is important to discuss ways to prepare beforehand with one’s surgeon.The advice given may include a request to stop smoking temporarily or to avoid certain medications such as aspirin. One should consider that medical insurance does not generally cover the costs of cosmetic procedures. 


During brow lift surgery


The surgery is generally performed under local anaesthetic although a general anaesthetic can be used at times. The surgery takes approximately 2 hours and the patient can go home shortly thereafter.


Recovery from a brow lift


Recovery from a brow lift will often involve swelling of and around the affected areas. Ice and elevation of the face are recommended to help with this.The surgeon may also prescribe an ointment to help.


Brow lifts can be very successful life-enhancing proceduresWith a carefully selected plastic surgeon and the correct preparations, your brow lift can enhance the way you feel about yourself.  


Written by Joanne Myers

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