Roopak Khara, MBChB, MPharm, MRCPsych



London, UK

Doctorpedia Profile

Consultant psychiatrist with a special interest in crisis care, medical lead of the UK's first psychiatric coronavirus ward, pharmacist, writer and make up artist. My mission...Read more


  • Certified by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, United Kingdom in General Adult Psychiatry

  • Section 12 approved doctor for England and Wales- recognised under section 12(2) of the MHA as having specific expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery- MB ChB achieved from University of Warwick Medical School

  • Master of Pharmacy- MPharm (Hons.) acheived from Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University

Board Certifications

  • Psychiatry

  • BLOG


Seasonal Affective Disorder – Treatment

There are measures we can take to help ourselves such as monitoring our stress levels, following a balanced diet with careful consumption of caffeine at appropriate times, exercising regularly, and getting as much natural daylight...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder – Symptoms

To make a diagnosis, there must be a clear seasonal pattern to depressive episodes that are experienced. The symptom of which can include lacking energy, reduced appetite or overeating, a persistent low mood, reduced pleasure...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder – Prevalence

In the US, the prevalence is estimated at 5% and females are five times more likely to develop the disorder.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder – Overview

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that follows a seasonal pattern. It is sometimes called a winter depression because symptoms can be evident and be much worse during the autumn winter periods. Although...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder – Diagnosis

It can be difficult to make a diagnosis of seasonal affective disorder because the signs and symptoms are similar to other types of depression.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder – Causes

A precise cause of seasonal affective disorder isn’t known. Although we do know that it’s commonly associated with a lack of exposure to sunlight in shorter days. Sunlight, as we know, plays is a key...

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Schizoaffective Disorder – Treatment

Depressive symptoms are more likely to lead to a chronic course compared to the manic symptoms, and there’s no definitive cure. However, a combination of medication, either antidepressant, antipsychotic, or a mood stabilizer, practical support...

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Schizoaffective Disorder – Symptoms

The cause of schizoaffective disorder can vary depending on the type and severity. Defining features are a major mood episode, a depressed or manic mood, and at least a fortnight of psychotic symptoms in the...

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Schizoaffective Disorder – Risk Factors

Factors that increase the risk of developing schizoaffective disorder include a stressful or traumatic life event, having close blood relatives having mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, or schizoaffective disorder itself.

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Schizoaffective Disorder – Diagnosis

Diagnosis requires a detailed assessment, as it might mimic other conditions such as bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia.

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