What Tests Are There?

What Tests Are There?

December 15, 2021


Like most cancers, leukemia cannot be seen on imaging studies, such as CAT scans or PET scans. Depending on the type of leukemia and the type of treatment utilized, leukemia is monitored by repeat bone marrow biopsies or blood tests.


If a particular leukemia is associated with a specific genetic abnormality, we can sometimes monitor for that abnormality with special blood tests.


Key Takeaways

1. Like most cancers, leukemia cannot be seen on imaging studies, such as CAT scans or PET scans.

2. Depending on the type of leukemia and treatment, leukemia is monitored by repeat bone marrow biopsies or blood tests.

3. If it is associated with a specific genetic abnormality, it can sometimes be monitored with special blood tests.