

December 13, 2021
Kelly Fan, MD
Kelly Fan, MD




Most patients with early stage lung cancer are completely asymptomatic and won’t even know they have cancer. Once the patient starts developing symptoms such as worsening cough, hemoptysis, chest pain, or bone pain, the cancer has already developed into a later stage and will be much harder to treat. Fortunately, within the last decade, there has been progress in lung cancer screening protocols to detect cancer at earlier stages, when it is more treatable.


There has also been an increase in understanding about the genomics of lung cancer, leading to development of more targeted therapies to fight cancer based on the cancer’s genetic makeup.


Key Takeaways

1. Most patients with early stage lung cancer don’t have symptoms – once they start developing symptoms, the cancer will be much harder to treat.

2. Within the last decade, there has been progress in screening protocols to detect lung cancer at earlier stages.

3. There has also been an increase in understanding the genomics of lung cancer, leading to more targeted therapies.