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Monitoring your health can be difficult. There are so many factors involved in creating the ideal body – diet, exercise, and sleep all need to be under control. The InsideTracker app, developed by Harvard, Tufts and MIT scientists, takes care of all these variables with daily reminders, personalized graphs and precise recommendations. 



The InsideTracker is complex under the hood. You’re able to log various different biomarkers into the app, including basic ones like heart rate, sleep quality, and exercise levels (through a fitness tracking device), as well as more complex ones such as blood test and DNA results.

But once you’ve entered all your data, InsideTracker takes your health into its hands. Every day, you’ll receive reminders on what to eat, how much to exercise, and what improvements need to be made to your routine, if any. InsideTracker uses your personal data to create an accurate picture of your health. Based on your cholesterol levels, for instance, InsideTracker will tell you what dietary changes you should make and what exercises you should start doing.

Although all this may sound complicated, Inside Tracker’s user interface is fairly easy to navigate and provides a trove of valuable information to give you a new level of control over your health and wellness. 



Free, accurate, easy to use, scientifically accurate 



Requires a large amount of personal information to function properly

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