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Arthroplasty: Blood Clot

March 11, 2022


One of the most common complications following both hip and knee replacement is the formation of blood clots. Typically, we develop a plan preoperatively based on your risk of developing a blood clot. Most patients are standard risk and require simply a full dose aspirin to be taken once daily to decrease their risk of blood clots. This medicine in addition to surgical stockings, as well as getting up out of a seated position and walking multiple times throughout the day, is enough to decrease the risk of developing and DVT or blood clot in the lower leg. A blood clot can be very serious condition as DVTs can often travel up into the lungs, creating what is called a pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal. Patients who are at higher risk of developing a blood clot, either a DVT or pulmonary embolism are then placed on some medication to allow the blood to be thinned out more. Common examples of blood thinners are medications such as Eliquis, Zeralto, or even coumadin, which is used less commonly now due to the difficulties in dosing, as well as the inconvenience of multiple blood draws.

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