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Arthroplasty – Recovery

August 27, 2021


Depending if your surgery is performed in an inpatient hospital setting versus an outpatient surgery center, the length of time you’ll be in this recovery room can vary. In an outpatient model, typically patients will recover anywhere from two to four hours following their surgery prior to discharge home. In the hospital setting, you’ll be in the recovery room for a similar amount of time prior to going into the inpatient units where you’ll stay either one or two nights after your joint replacement surgery. In both the outpatient or the inpatient models, a physical therapist will be at your bedside ready to receive you and get you up walking after your joint replacement within typically three to four hours after your surgery. Many patients find it alarming or scary that they will be walking on the day of their surgery, or even within the first few hours afterward. But this is an important part of the recovery process and an important part of how well people do in an enhanced rapid recovery model of joint replacement, either if it’s a hip replacement or knee replacement surgery. The techniques we use now for your joint replacement surgery allow us to get you up walking within only a few hours of your hip or knee replacement surgery.

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