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Atrial Fibrillation – Treatment

January 28, 2022


There are two strategies used for treatment of atrial fibrillation. You have the rate control strategy, which aims to control your rate versus a rhythm control strategy, which aims to actually get you back into a normal rhythm. Trials and studies have shown that rhythm control is the best, but rhythm control can be difficult. A lot of the medications have side effects. Some of the procedures can be long and cumbersome. So what we generally try to do is we save the rhythm control – the aggressive therapy – for patients who are very symptomatic. Atrial fibrillation can be very debilitating. People can be extremely symptomatic and it can really affect their quality of life and actually their ability to function normally. So those are the patients we generally reserve for the rhythm control strategy. And rate control – if a patient is asymptomatic and elderly and maybe has a lot of contraindications to having a procedure done – then rate control might be an okay therapy for that patient. In terms of home remedies for atrial fibrillation? I can’t say that I know much about that. Most of the treatment therapies for atrial fibrillation that I practice are those that are evidence-based and have been approved by the FDA.

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