That’s why, too, the best way, as you could imagine, to stop cancer, is to get it before it spreads. If I can find a colony of cancer cells in one place and just remove it from the body, that whole army that has that secret weapon up its sleeve or that card to play later, or now, if it is a cancer, I can just remove that whole colony, that whole village, out of the body. And that’s why still for most cancer types, surgery is the most ideal gold standard. Because you can get not only that whole colony that’s starting to grow out, but you’re going to take away a lot of the good tissue that don’t have those mutations yet. We test that. We’ll say, is everyone around the neighborhood also like healthy and did not get those cancers? And when you say yes, which is like “negative margins,” meaning that those margins where the whole tissue was taken out, they’re not cancer cells, that’s great. That’s your best chance of having rid yourself of this cancer and not coming back.