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Cardiogenic Shock: Lifestyle Changes

March 14, 2022


Cardiogenic shock, as I already mentioned, is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Greater than 50% death. When the patient survives cardiogenic shock and gets the appropriate treatment, whether it’s a stent or a bypass, and is stabilized and then discharged, they need to follow up and follow through and maintain a regimen. Most often, as I already have talked about, cardiogenic shock is a result of complications of ischemic heart disease. So the follow up and follow through are the things you would do for patients with ischemic heart disease. You’d stop smoking. You would avoid bad habits. You would diet and exercise. You’d control your blood pressure, control your diet and maintain an exercise regimen of walking 30 minutes minimum, five days a week minimum. Patients would often be enrolled in cardiac rehab, which has been shown to improve survival in patients after a heart attack.

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