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Cervical Cancer – Symptoms

August 1, 2021


Most women in early stages of cervical cancer typically have no symptoms. During this time, the earliest sign of cervical cancer is likely to be an abnormal pap smear. This is detected during a routine gynecologic exam. Cervical cancer develops very slowly, so this symptom free stage can last for years, even as long as 7 to 14 years. But the good part is that this works in our favor. And if precancerous cells are detected in a pap smear, the condition is 100% treatable, curable at this stage. The most advanced cervical cancers usually are found in women who actually don’t get these regular pap smears and who have not followed up with their doctors after receiving an abnormal pap smear result. Such women with cervical cancer may have symptoms that include watery or bloody vaginal discharge or foul odor, or even abnormally increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding after intercourse or exercise or between menstrual periods or after menopause, even heavy menstrual periods or something that lasts longer than normal. If the cancer has spread to adjacent tissues, then the symptoms of pelvic pain or pain with intercourse, back pain, painful urination, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss can all occur.

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