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End-of-Life Care – Communication

June 13, 2022


So now you just heard from your oncologist that the scan showed the disease continues to progress despite all treatments. Now you have an opportunity to pause and think about your options. Should you continue treatment or not? What would be the risks and benefits in each scenario? Would a clinical trial help improve your survival? And at what cost? What would be the value of further treatment? And most importantly, the impact on your quality of life.

The palliative care team will be able to guide you in navigating intense questions. So whatever answers come up for you, they will remain aligned with your values. This is also a good time to revisit your end of life care preferences and make sure your advanced directives are up to date. Whenever an opportunity arises, member of the palliative care team will help you go through a life review and think about your legacy. What would you want to be remembered for? If you had another chance to reimagine the end of your life, what would that look like?


Clinical trial – research study that tests new treatments with active patients

Palliative care – specialized medical care and support for someone living with a serious or terminal illness

Advanced directives – legal document that tells the medical team how the patient wishes to receive care if they are not able to speak or communicate

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