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Hemorrhoids – Doctor Appointment Overview

February 6, 2022


When the patient arrives at the doctor’s office, the physician will ask questions concerning their bowel habits, how many times a day they have a bowel movement, or if they see any rectal bleeding or have pain. And then, the physician will probably do a rectal exam by placing a lubricated finger into the anorectal region to see if they can feel any masses, any hemorrhoids, any fissures, or cracks, or possible sources of bleeding. Depending upon the results of that physical examination, the physician may then insert an anusscope, which is a very small device which goes a very short distance into the anorectal canal to look for growth or hemorrhoids, dilated veins, or fissures, cracks. Patient may then be recommended to have a proctoscope, which is a longer devices several inches long. Oftentimes patients may have to take some rectal enemas to remove any fecal material prior to having a proctoscope inserted. And then if the physician deems it necessary to assess the colon further up, the patient may be scheduled for a colonoscopy at a later date, which would require the taking of a laxative prep, given sedation, and then a formal colonoscopic exam to look for hemorrhoids, polyps, or tumors.

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