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Menorrhagia – Additional Tests

December 20, 2020


“In addition, we check your blood count to see, is the bleeding causing you to be anemic. Sometimes that can occur. And that may affect the urgency of managing you. And we also may check to see if you’re pregnant. Sometimes people are pregnant and they don’t know it, and they’ve had a miscarriage and that’s why they’ve had heavy bleeding. So there are a lot of blood works that we will check in that respect. In addition, we check an ultrasound because like I told you, you can have a fibroid, which is, sometimes they’re really big and they can be like, you have a pregnant abdomen, but sometimes they’re not that big, but they can still cause problems. Particularly the ones that don’t have that big, that you can see, are the ones that are oftentimes called bleeding problems. Because they’re inside of the uterine cavity. The uterine cavity is made up of several layers or the uterus itself is made up of several layers.

The endometrium is the inside of the uterus, and that is what builds up and sloughs off when you have a period. And so if there’s something there interfering with that cavity, it can make you have some bleeding cause your body’s like, you don’t belong. I don’t like you. So what’ll happen is that if you have a fibroid, which is a benign growth, most of the time again, and or a polyp, both of those things are anatomical things that can actually cause a disruption in the cavity and make you bleed irregularly.”

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