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Nose Bleeds – Electrical Cautery

May 10, 2021


In some instances, the bleeds are so bad that chemical cautery is just not enough. We need to resort to some more extreme measures. As a sinus specialist and a nasal specialist, I see a lot of nosebleeds. So I have a setup in the office, much like I have in the operating room, for electrocautery. And that’s where we use electrical current to actually burn the tissue. Just earlier today, I had a patient come in who had a nosebleed that was so bad that I couldn’t get it under control with chemical cautery. And so we slapped on the pad for the electric cautery, and just with a few little zaps, were able to control the nosebleed with electrical current. And what the electrical current does is much like the chemical burn — we cause an electrical burn of the tissue, which then seals off the blood vessel and allows your body to heal over that area.

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