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Nose Bleeds – Medication

May 14, 2021


If you have some Afrin handy, Afrin is a nasal decongestant which most of us ENT, ear nose and throat doctors don’t like our patients to use for very long periods of time because they can cause paradoxical nasal congestion, this spray works fantastic for nosebleed. And the reason for that is it’s a vasoconstrictor. That means much like turning off a faucet, it causes blood vessels to essentially shrink or cinch down and closes off the bleeding vessel in many cases. So what I’ll often tell my patients is if you’re having a really bad nosebleed, get some cotton or cotton ball or some tissue, or even gauze, soak it with Afrin, put it in the nose on the side that’s bleeding and then pinch over that. And that will stop the vast majority of nosebleeds.

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