Archives: Platform Videos

Nasal Congestion/Obstruction – When to see a Doctor

Nasal Congestion/Obstruction – Symptoms

Nasal Congestion/Obstruction – Prevention

Nasal Congestion/Obstruction – Causes

Nasal Congestion/Obstruction – Overview

Balloon Sinuplasty – Sinusitis Prevalence

Plaquenil – What is the role of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19?

Balloon Sinuplasty – Not a Candidate

Balloon Sinuplasty – Who Gets It

Balloon Sinuplasty – How it Works

Balloon Sinuplasty – Overview

Plaquenil – What are the side effects?

Plaquenil – How does it work?

Arthritis – Medication Side Effects

Arthritis – Advances in Treatment

Arthritis – Hereditary

Arthritis – Support Groups

Arthritis – Recurrence

Arthritis – Goal of Treatment

Arthritis – Follow-Ups

Arthritis – Surgery

Arthritis – Medical Devices

Arthritis – Lifestyle Changes

Arthritis – Hospitalization

Arthritis – Alternative Treatments

Arthritis – When to see a Doctor

Arthritis – Symptoms

Arthritis – Similar Conditions

Arthritis – Risk Factors

Arthritis – Prevalence

Arthritis – Diagnosis

Arthritis – Care Providers

Arthritis – Additional Tests

Arthritis – Causes

Vasculitis – Support Groups

Vasculitis – Recurrence

Vasculitis – Other Complications

Vasculitis – Advances in Treatment

Vasculitis – Hereditary

Vasculitis – Goal of Treatment

Vasculitis – Follow-Ups

Arthritis – Types

Arthritis – Overview

Arthritis – Mechanism

Ankylosing Spondylitis – Surgery

Ankylosing Spondylitis – Lifestyle Changes

Ankylosing Spondylitis – When to see a Doctor

Ankylosing Spondylitis – Types

Ankylosing Spondylitis – Symptoms

Ankylosing Spondylitis – Similar Conditions

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