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Palliative Care – Hospice Myths

June 8, 2022


Hospice is not a place. It is a philosophy and model of care offered wherever the person who is approaching the end of their life is. Hospice does not offer 24/7 nursing care or 24/7 home attendants or home health aides.

Enrolling in hospice is not an irreversible decision, which means you can revoke if you choose to pursue aggressive treatment that is not aligned with the general hospice philosophy. Hospice does not hasten people’s death by using medications that accelerate the path to dying. If people outlive their six months prognosis, it is because they receive care that improves their quality of life, and they end up living longer. Eligibility for continued hospice care is determined by the hospice team in collaboration with your primary care physician or the main doctor involved in your care.

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