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Pelvic Floor Issues Post Pregnancy and Birth – Alternative Treatments

December 5, 2021


There are physical therapists who are specialized in specifically treating pelvic floor disorders. These women can help to teach other patients how to strengthen their pelvic floor. The physical therapist may include biofeedback in their treatment plan. Biofeedback therapy is typically done by using special equipment to monitor how the body responds to specific stimuli. From this, a pelvic floor physical therapist can recommend certain practices or exercises that help to improve the condition. In the case of pelvic floor issues, this will involve seeing what happens when the pelvic floor muscles are clenched and relaxed. Monitoring helps highlight the muscles in and around your pelvic floor that are tight or malfunctioning. The therapist can then devise a program to improve muscle coordination. While biofeedback therapy is still considered an effective treatment method, only 60% of patients with pelvic floor disorders experienced long-term improvement in a controlled clinical trial.

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