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Probiotics – Overview

May 16, 2021


What are probiotics? So probiotics are a collection of good bacteria that have several health benefits for your body. Now we have trillions of bacteria that live in our gut. Majority of this bacteria lives in the large intestine part of our gut, but sometimes we find them in the small intestine also. Now there’s trillions of bacteria, along with other microorganisms like viruses, yeast, fungi, that make up the microbiome of our body. Now this trillions of bacteria can be categorized into good bacteria and bad bacteria. Now in normal circumstances, we have a good balance between this good bacteria and the bad bacteria. But certain situations promote the growth of the bad bacteria, and sometimes also kill the good bacteria too. Some other situations are like taking antibiotics. Taking other medications like steroids. Like getting exposed to stress or having a poor diet. All of these things kind of create an imbalance between the good and the bad bacteria in your gut. Now, the probiotics through the years of research that we have is a collection of all these good bacteria that can have several health benefits, like helping with digesting your food. It helps in improving your immunity. It helps in keeping this bad bacteria in check. So this probiotics, by the collection of all these good bacteria, can have several health benefits for your body.

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